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[S1E22] Banks Shot

Vivian goes away to Berkeley for the weekend, leaving Hilary in charge. Will steals the car keys to go to the pool hall and winds up losing his money and the car to a hustler. Philip and Geoffrey must go down to rescue him. Philip initially tries to get his car back by threatening to have the poolhall's license revoked, but a patron interrupts him saying "We ain't got a license!". The hustlers then goad Phil into playing pool with them for $20 a ball, Philip loses heavily, having seemingly never played pool before. (He told Geoffery to "get me one of those stick thingys.") When he is $400 in debt, he begs the hustler for one more game, however the hustler refuses to play unless it is for $100 a ball. Phil nervously agrees, then confidently tells Geoffrey to "Break out Lucille!" a pool cue. Phil pots 4 balls on his first shot, having hustled the hustlers.

[S1E22] Banks Shot

This collection of filming locations lists sites that were featured in Person of Interest Season 1 along with related details. As the show is filmed in the New York City area, street signs, landmarks, and other points of reference that appear in the episodes help to determine where the scene was shot even if the location has a different name or was standing in for another real-life location.

It is 12 seconds till the end of the game and Dan tells Nathan to get the ball and shoot even if he is double teamed, it is the best chance of them winning. The team go back out on the court and as Tim passes the ball to Nathan, he shows he has paid no attention to his father's instruction and throws the ball to Lucas, who shoots and misses as the whole crowd light out a sigh of disappointment at the Raven's loss. Back at the gym room, Dan is pressuring Nathan again telling him how stupid he was to pass the ball. Nathan blames it on his Dad as he knew Lucas had a bad arm and needs to go to hospital but he made him play. He then says that Lucas was better than Dan ever was as at least he took the shot rather than being a coward and sitting on the bench. Leaving his Dad in the locker room, Nathan rips off the Scott name off his jersey. Keith goes to see Dan after the game to tell him he is leaving. Dan throws it back in his face and insults him as well as mocking him. Keith walks out as Dan shows no capability to care about his departure. Lucas goes to see Haley and tells her he is leaving tomorrow. Devastated that she can't spend the night with him, Haley hugs him but Lucas tells him he will find her tomorrow. As she gets in the car with Nathan, he finds her in tears and asks if she wants to put off sex for another night, but Haley still wants to. Deb is burning Dan's stuff as Keith walks in. Telling her he is leaving, Deb tells him she tried to escape her life, but you can never escape it. They then ask themselves what happened to them, but Keith says that they loved someone who forgot to love them back. Lucas and Karen arrive at the hospital again and find that it is worse news than previously, Lucas can no longer play basketball due to his arm injury. Lucas goes to see Whitey in the other hospital room, who asks him to take care of Keith.

Numerous Mossberg 500 Persuader shotguns are seen at the prison armory when the guards are responding to the riot in "Riots, Drills and the Devil: Part 1" (S1E06). Corrections Officer Keith Stolte (Christian Stolte) points a Mossberg 500 at Michael and the others when they enter a restricted area in "The Old Head" (S1E08). In "The Key" (S1E19), Bellick (Wade Williams) is holding a Mossberg 500 when he is apprehending Lincoln. Several guards are armed with Mossbergs in "Go" (S1E21) and "Flight" (S1E22), when they capture the escaping Sanchez.

Alicia: grasshopper. Wildlife in the wild.Chris:Where we are now is in the middle of a wash. Sandra. That was actually where we recorded our first ever episode. And we're back. The wash is about half a mile wide at this point. It gets wider upstream, so to speak, and there's just an abundance of all different kinds of plants. Have you ever seen a creosote this tall?Alicia: Yes, but that's because I pay attention to creosote an awful lot. They're supposed max height is around 12ft. This is there, but I've seen them taller than 12ft. Nothing like 20ft or anything. But this looks like a nice clonal grouping, so this has got some age to it. What I find most interesting about this creosote is that it looks like it's been denoted at the base by critters. Not anytime recently. And instead of growing as more of a bush, it looks like a group of sticks, ducks, like, straight into the soil. There's a couple of classic wonky creosote branches here, but it's interesting how this one's growing. Pack rat midden.Chris:Yeah.Alicia: I love how industrious they are with bringing building materials like those sticks and flat pieces of bark are so organized to me. And then over here, it's like they've fortified the entrance with small pebbles. Can you see that over there? They do that in my neighborhood, too. They'll block entry points with a bunch of little stones. And it's so funny because it looks so intentional and architectural, but it's a rat house. They're really good at what they do, working with what they got.Chris:The Arica Mountains. A-R-I-C-A. Over there. It's very cute. Little mountain range. Baby mountains.Alicia: Looks like a stone. That's got a really thick trunk there.Chris:Yes. We're appreciating Palo Verdes in the middle of the ironwood episode, but that's okay. And look at this ephedra grown right next to it. That's like a Japanese garden pruning job.Alicia: It really does look like it has specific eruptions at the end of each branch. Now, is that an ironwood that has the base? The central trunk over there?Chris:That is an ironwood.Alicia: Okay. We're going to go that far.Chris:It's a classic glamour one here. Okay.Alicia: That was a cool breeze. It was warm there.Chris:It was lovely.Alicia: I walked right into a cool breeze.Chris:A classic, beautiful tree shaped tree. Ironwood tree. Yeah.Alicia: The canopy is not touching the ground on this one like a lot of the others.Chris:Rabbits do like to eat the leaves and the twigs, so not too surprising. And lots of little seed pods.Alicia: Now, these thorns are a little more obvious than the other tree. These thorns have all turned black, which is very helpful.Chris:Yes. If you are introduced to an ironwood at a social gathering of some sort. Do not assume that it's a good idea to shake hands with the ironwood, because we have thorns that are on this tree. They look to be about 5 mm long, maybe a fifth of an inch or so. And they are very thorny.Alicia: Yeah, very sharp. Like that one just punctured my skin, and I barely touched it. Didn't really need that example set for myself, but okay.Chris:But there's obviously a point at which they fall off, because I'm looking at this branch, this older branch still has some thorns on it.Alicia: And then, yeah, the older branches, they start to wear off and split, although.Chris:It seems like maybe the really old ones grow new thorns because yeah, look at the holes.Alicia: Those are huge back there. But anyway, not a tree to climb.Chris:Not a tree to climb unless you have leather skin. You got to do what you got to do to keep your moisture and your nitrogen in a place like this. This is a good tortoise habitat here.Alicia: This looks like it might have been a more significant opening, burrow shaped, but it taped in.Chris:So I guess it makes sense that we came out here to talk about ironwoods, and there's just so much other stuff going on here in the ironwood forest other than things being ironwoods. It's like a whole ecosystem out here. Depending on these liguminous trees, odds are, in a vegetative community like this, a lot of the plants are connected by underground networks of roots and fungal threads. Something like 80% of known plant species have a vast mycorrhizal partner, if not more than one. And that's certainly true in the desert. And so even with all the cool stuff that we have seen walking around up on this side of the Earth's surface, there's probably a whole lot going on that we're just missing underneath.Alicia: I always wonder what the pattern looks like underneath as compared to the pattern that I can see above. I thought about that with this tree.Chris:Earlier, because we know for certain that a lot of these trees at least have the root partners that allow them to take atmospheric nitrogen and turn it into plant food, including the ironwoods and the palo verdes and the acacias mesquites and smoke trees. The iron mountains look so nice from here. Love the light this time of day. It just draws out the topography of the mountains.Alicia: Yeah. I like to say when you can see all the wrinkles yep. You want to go find another ironwood tree. I say we go that way. There's a nicelooking tallern over there. Oh, there's a real tall one over there.Chris:Yeah. Somewhere about a mile up is the tallest one I have seen anywhere ever.Alicia: Oh. Last time we were out here, the palavertes were all leafed out.Chris:Yeah.Alicia: Quite a startling contrast. This looks like a hangout spot for somebody.Chris:This is a glorious tree.Alicia: Yeah. You can walk right into the middle of it. Oh, there's another stink bug. Looks like this might also be, like a bed down hangout spot for I haven't seen any identifiable tracks, but I would say either deer, coyote, or bobcat.Chris:I have seen coyote here. I have seen a lot of quail.Alicia: Do you see how worn down that base of the tree is and how the leaf litter is more decomposed in this area than it is right here? Something clearly walks in and out of here all the time.Chris:Yes, there are jack, rabbits and cotton tails out here. I do not know about cats, so I would not be surprised if there were lions on occasion. Certainly deer. Definitely meal deer.Alicia: This isn't big enough for deer.Chris:I retract that, but coyotes and rabbits for sure.Alicia: And it's linking up with this other one where out like this.Chris:Oh, it's some Coyote Scout right here. Look at that.Alicia: Yeah, I'm going to guess a pack of coyotes. This is like a stopping spot for them. And I know they like to break up their packs and hang out sometimes very close, but in two different locations. And underneath this tree, this looks like where maybe the Scout hangs out. Maybe we make our way to that other big ironwoods. There's lots of scat now that I'm outside of that tree. I wonder how regularly they visit this spot. It's really tough to read data since it rained yesterday. There's so many pack rap middens nearby that all they got to do is hang out under that tree and be quiet. I'm sure somebody's going to run by. Wow, that looks like it's almost three stories.Chris:Yep. That is fantastic. It's like a whole hidden private world in there that's inaccessible to large mammals.Alicia: Do you see the size of that house that's in there? Yes, that very well could be a pack rat midden, but I'm curious if that might be something else entirely. That is insane. Sounds like we got a little bird. Man, I wonder who lives in there. That's huge.Chris:Definitely smells like it keeps going. Definitely smells like rat pee to me.Alicia: Okay. Yeah, look at how they've there's an entry hole right there with the rat poops. Look at how they've taken advantage of the mud caking. And this is a huge nest. Wow, look at that space in the middle. The coyotes hang out in there. Yep, for sure. There's really something so, like, gross, grossly beauty. It looks halfdead and gnarly and scary, like it should be in a forest where bad things happen. But that's only half the tree. The other half the tree looks like heaven. Respite. Food, shelter. And then this bottom bit is just am I in a Disney forest right now? So animated in here. Music video. Video.Chris:Talking about ironwoods. Olmea Tesota, one of the most beautiful.Chris:Trees in the Southwest deserts. We thought, who better to talk to than Petey Mesquitey. Who has been extolling the virtues of desert native trees, shrubs, forbes, wildflowers plants, animals for decades on his show Growing Native in KxeI in Tucson. And Petey, thank you for going through.Chris:All the technical hassles that we both.Chris:Endured just now to join us here at 90 miles from Needles.Petey:Yeah, thanks for having me. How sweet. When you shot me and said, let's talk about iron woods, I thought, oh, man, that tree just brings up a lot of memories. And when I lived outside Tucson in the desert for many years and in ironwood and saguaro blue Petey Mesquitey forest. Yeah, let's talk about ironwoods. I love the tree. It's unique to the Sanan Desert. How lucky is that? It's just an amazing tree.Chris:Absolutely wonderful.Petey:I'm not from Southern Arizona. I came out to Arizona to go to college way back when. But when I first discovered ironwood trees and there was a funny area northwest of Tucson out in the desert where it was developing slow, but where they grew a lot of citrus, ironwoods were an indication where you could grow citrus because of their cold tolerance or lack thereof of cold tolerance. So if there was an Ireland forest, this is going to be this great spot to grow citrus. It's over by you, right? It goes into Southern California. But it's just in the Sonoran Desert. This magnificent tree. And I don't know when I discovered them, I moved out to the desert and here I am in an ironwood forest and here's a giant, very spiny tree that flowers it's in the pea family fabase and it flowers, these glorious lavender flowers. And you go you're just an awe it's magical. It's just this great magical tree.Alicia: I saw some amazing photos online about how the ironwoods can go through extreme environmental stress where the stumps are burned or dried, cracked and split and then 20 years later a new sprout will come out. And while that stump looked completely dead, it's like a phoenix. It can just rise again and again. It's really quite fascinating.Petey:Yeah, a resilient tree. Chris and I were talking earlier how magical it is underneath these trees. The canopy is amazing. It's very disk. If it's got some extra rain, you're talking about a lot of shade. And when they're old and you can prune them up, say it's in your yard, in your habitat, your own habitat. It's just an amazing shade tree. And I bet a lot of people sat underneath over the hundreds of years, sat underneath ironwood trees. I bet as children we had no problem. An ironman tree has that magic that draws you. So you're looking your period into this little you just want to get under there and see what's going on and you'd be hanging out. Sounds good to me.Alicia: That's a great example of youth is not wasted on the young. To have the youthfulness, to just be.With the tree, those are precious priceless.Alicia: Moments that I wish more adults would partake in.Petey:You need a child sometime to remind you of what life's about, right?Chris:Alicia and I were out in one.Chris:Of the washes in Southern California where.Chris:The iron woods grow a couple of weeks ago, and it was a relatively cool day after a long, very hot summer. We didn't get any hiking done together for the podcast or recreationally at all for months. But in this ironwood forest, I mean, it was a mixed forest.Chris:They had the Senegalia and Palo Verde.Chris:And some mosquitoes and things like that.Chris:But underneath the ironwood trees, these islands.Chris:Of habitability are just absolutely wonderful. They're just obvious coyote bedding places and places where jack rabbits and possibly badgers and desert kit foxes had dug holes beneath the trees. And it was like an archipelago on a relatively unfriendly sea of these friendly little shady spots.Petey:Yeah, it totally nailed. It it's to peer under an ironwood, you talk about the magic, and they're nurse trees. So a lot of times if you're in a forest, if you're in the land of sauaros, and you should be if you're in the land of Irnwoods, you'll find baby sauaros, you'll find all sorts of hedgehogs or little fish hooks, but yeah, you just want to crawl in there. And, you know, if we were kids, we'd be under that tree and hanging out, and that's where we lose that magic of our childhood. Yeah, you peer into it. It's almost like looking at those Easter eggs, those bizarre Easter eggs where you can pick them up and peer into them and see all these things happening and where I lived. I just love getting under them. And you see the pinocerrus. I don't even know if it's Greg eye anymore. There are two night blooming cirrus out in between Pima County and Coaches County where I live. But you find a night blooming cirrus and then you find baby sauaros. And this was magical. Sometimes you'd find a dead ironwood. So here's this. And the dead iron woods can last years and years, but here comes this sauorrow, three, four foot sauaro next to a dead ironwood. So it had nurse that baby suarez. The iron was dead, and here comes that Sugaro. It's amazing that happens out at the.Chris:Western end of the range, too. And I have to say, one of.Chris:The reasons that we very much wanted.Chris:To talk to you is because of the sense of joy that you bring to these things. And here we're facing a lot of westernmost iron woods having their habitat converted for renewable energy production. Climate change is real.Chris:Yeah.Chris:But our response to it is up for grabs. But it's sometimes difficult to see these really wonderful, thriving ironwood forests that may not survive our response to climate change. Although of the trees that I can think of in the desert, ironwoods, at least in the northwestern range, are probably more likely to survive climate change itself than a lot of things.Petey:I think you're right. And you know that we're talking about getting under an ironwood tree. And when you talk about things like that, we want to crawl up under an ironwood tree in a fetal position in a weep. Because how much growth is about I had to drive to Tucson, early morning meeting. And so I go through this beautiful biotic communities all the way to Tucson, but that town is coming east toward me. And they go, how much further can you keep going? I don't know. There are lots of people. People want houses. It's a hard call and I agree. And to me the ironwood tree is the tree of the Sonoran Desert. They live hundreds of years and we take them out so casually. I don't know. I don't know what to tell you about that. It upsets me. How do you put it in the back of your mind and get on with your life? Sometimes, yeah, but iron woods, they lived. I think they can't really count rings in them. There's this magnificent wood, hard wood. They know they're 300 years at least. I once was on a search. There was a fellow doing the champion trees of Arizona a rumor of an ironwood tree out of south of Hila Bend on an air force base on the way out toward Yuma. And they let us onto the base and we found this tree that three of us could not get our arms around. Everyone. How old is th

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